I finished a Babies' garter-stitch Surprise Jacket. I feel like a real grown up knitter now!
Is there some initiation rite, or a medal, or something? How do you explain to regular people, non knitters, the sense of accomplishment that goes with something like this? A real Finished Object! I feel like there should be a patch. Or something. Like in Scouts. If I ever see a finished jacket in person made by someone else, I'm not sure what I will do. Can you imagine? To me, it would be like seeing a ..... Well, I can't even think of what to compare it to.
But, I finished it, and then realized that it will probably fit it's intended baby Next Winter. But, I still gave it to him and his mommy. And, once again, I forgot to take photos, or make clear notes, or even document it in any way.
Someone else had actually started the little Jacket from the directions in Opinionated Knitter, and she may never try to knit again! She gave it to me, mumbling something about "there might be a Baby Sweater Curse, just like there's a Boyfriend Sweater Curse." It really was a lot easier after I got the video from Schoolhouse Press. I really like EZ's writting style. I'm sure I would have loved to listen to her speak. Geeze, that's sounding like a commercial. But, if I did advertize, it might just be for Elizabeth Zimmerman's stuff.
But, her directions leave a lot to be desired. Don't get me wrong, I fully embrace the "Don't knit like a Blind Follower" philosophy. Like a lot of other things: Once you've done it, it just all really makes sense. But, before then, there's just no amount of explaining in the world that can actually get it clear for you. The only problem that I have with EZ's stuff is that you really do either have to be either a) a very experienced knitter OR b) Blindy Follow her directions the first few times before you get it. And, honestly, I'm just way too ADHD to knit the same thing over and over again. I have trouble staying on task long enough to finish one project before I get bored and move on to something else. Probably explains the unbelievable number of UFO's hidding around my domain.
Like so many other things in my life, I missed out on what was going on when Elizabeth Zimmerman was living and working, and now I wish I had been paying attention.
How does that happen? Why was I watching reruns of Love Boat and Gilligan's Island? I could have been watching PBS and seeing someone that would be one of the major influences on my life.
Like, Wow! I could have had a V8!